Our Trainers
Stephanie Gularte

Stephanie Gularte


Stephanie Gularte is an experienced nonprofit CEO and a certified health and wellness professional who is passionate about the integration of well-being concepts into leadership and team-building practices to inspire leaders and businesses to thrive. Her company, The Energy Advantage, provides health and well-being workshops, retreats, and coaching to leaders and teams with a dimensional approach to transform the way leaders live and lead.

Headshot of Stephanie Gularte, a woman with brown hair wearing a blue sleeveless top

Stephanie Gularte is an experienced nonprofit CEO and a certified health and wellness professional who is passionate about the integration of well-being concepts into leadership and team-building practices to inspire leaders and businesses to thrive. Her company, The Energy Advantage, provides health and well-being workshops, retreats, and coaching to leaders and teams with a dimensional approach to transform the way leaders live and lead.

After two decades in nonprofit leadership, Stephanie’s mission is to positively change lives and careers by helping leaders to cultivate a clarity of purpose, to practice and model well-being practices, and to cultivate workplace cultures of well-being that inspire collaboration and engagement. Her programs provide a unique, integrative approach to empower nonprofit leaders and teams to adapt to the unique challenges of today in order experience greater fulfillment in their roles while creating more energized, more engaged workplaces for healthier, more sustainable organizations.

Stephanie has delivered hundreds of speeches, workshops and trainings on topics including workplace wellness, leadership well-being, cultivating a well-being mindset, facilitating workplace well-being conversations, thriving with multi-generational teams, building resilience and reducing burnout, promoting team connection and collaboration, and strategic planning for culture change. The Energy Advantage signature program, Live and Lead WELL, offers an intensive training to empower managers, directors, and C-Level leaders to implement effective workplace well-being practices in their organizations.

Stephanie is a lifelong learner, a certified leadership coach, certified Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner, certified wellness practitioner (CWP), and certified health coach.