The Secret to Stopping Overwhelm in the Workplace

A woman of unidentifiable race/ethnicity with short grey hair sitting in a training room, smiling as she learns with other nonprofit leaders

Nonprofit work environments are fast-paced and somewhat chaotic at times. However, working longer, faster, and harder is no longer the answer to enhancing productivity or improving overall performance. Organizations are hitting a proverbial wall with this approach, as it too often results in many working slower, shorter and less satisfied. “Today, there is a growing […]

Effective Strategies to Attract and Retain Top Nonprofit Talent

Photo of a Latina woman with dark brown hair wearing a peach top talking to a Black man in a workplace setting

Although nonprofit jobs comprise about 10% of the American workforce, nonprofits are experiencing a workforce crisis. In the most recent Nonprofit Workforce Survey conducted by the National Council of Nonprofits, nearly 3 in 4 nonprofits reported job vacancies (exceeding pre-COVID levels), primarily due to salary competition, budget constraints/insufficient funds and burnout. So how can nonprofits compete […]

Communicating With Confidence: 5 Tips to Communicate With Groups Effectively

Photo of BeverlyAnn Foster speaking into a microphone, a white woman with a black jacket and long, blond hair

According to research from the Project Management Institute, the biggest predictor of a project’s success — or failure — is communication. Their report found that project managers should spend 90% of their time on communications to ensure a project’s success, and up to 56% of revenue could be lost due to poor communication. So, how […]

One of the Most Important Leadership Qualities That’s Often Overlooked

Photo of Kristen Lessig-Schenerlein, a white woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a white T-shirt that says Be a Nice Human standing in front of a multi-colored background

When you think about all the traits that make leaders successful, there’s one that is often overlooked: positivity. In today’s complex business environment, great leaders prioritize positivity and authenticity. But what is positive leadership and why should you focus on it? Positive leaders provide the guidance and resources necessary for their team members to do […]

The Strategic Imperative of Well-Being: A Guide for Organizational Success

Kristen Lessig- Schenerlein MAPP, PCC, CPQC, a white woman with shoulder-length brown hair teaching in front of a class, with a blue circle in the background

The relationship between well-being and performance in the workplace has emerged as a critical factor in driving organizational success. A groundbreaking study by Dr. Jan-Emmanuel De Neve and his team from the University of Oxford and Harvard reveals a compelling association between employee well-being and profitability. As a result, workplace well-being has become a focal point in […]

WATCH: Essential Technology Updates for Non-Technical Nonprofit Leaders

Photo of Kelley Hecht, a white woman with short brown hair in a circle with a blue computer background and the words: WATCH NOW: Essential Tech Updates for Non-Tech Nonprofit Leaders

Technology is critical to every nonprofit’s success, yet many of today’s leaders represent non-technical functions, like marketing, programs, fundraising, and operations. Keeping up with emerging trends across the digital landscape and discerning what’s imperative from what may be a distraction, can be a challenge. During this free, on-demand webinar, Kelley Hecht, principal executive advisor for […]

Addressing the Nonprofit Workforce Crisis: 4 Practical Strategies

Desk with six empty chairs

At the Nonprofit Leadership Center, we’re on a mission to develop and connect nonprofit leaders to strengthen organizations and our communities. However, recent research from the Florida Nonprofit Alliance and National Council of Nonprofits shows that our sector is experiencing a workforce shortage crisis. Ongoing conversations with leaders who participate in our programming validate these findings.  […]

Isabella Khalili Joins Nonprofit Leadership Center As New Program Operations Manager

There is a new face at the Nonprofit Leadership Center! Please join us in welcoming Isabella Perello Khalili as our new program operations manager. In this role, Isabella will help manage many of our learning experiences, including classes, custom solutions, cohorts and our annual conference. She will also oversee participant feedback to enhance program offerings […]

How to Become a Leader Others Want to Follow

Amarela Peqini, an Albanian woman with dark brown hair in a red suit jacket, talking with Charlie Imbergamo at a desk, a white male with grey hair and glasses wearing a grey jacket. They are both looking at a document and reviewing it together.

In today’s rapidly changing world, being a leader is not about a title or position on an organizational chart. It’s about committing to live, albeit not perfectly, the qualities that inspire trust, foster growth, and cultivate a culture of excellence. Becoming a leader others want to follow requires developing essential skills that are often difficult […]

16 Rising Nonprofit Leaders in Hillsborough County Chosen for Prestigious Leadership Program

Collage of diverse group of 16 women on colorful orange, blue and yellow backgrounds that appear on a bulletin board as polaroid photos

Leading a team can be stressful, even for the most seasoned managers. Yet many talented individual contributors are promoted to management roles without the proper training, mentoring and support. When that happens, organizations, outcomes and wellbeing are significantly impacted. According to a 2023 nationwide survey by Harris Research and Oji, inexperienced and unprepared first-time managers can […]