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The 10 Most Popular Nonprofit Articles of 2020

As a nonprofit community, we did a lot of learning, adjusting, reimagining and innovating in 2020. As a year defined by information overload, here’s a recap of the most popular articles and resources on from the Nonprofit Leadership Center during the past year.

Most Read Articles in 2020

Of all the content we shared with nonprofit leaders during the past year, these were the top 10 most read articles of 2020:

  1. How to Host Online Board Meetings
  2. 4 Simple Strategies to Improve Team Communication at Work
  3. 5 Common Misconceptions about Organizational Culture
  4. How to Work from Home Effectively: 10 Tips for Working Remotely
  5. How to Write a Grant Proposal
  6. Become a Better Leader in Just 15 Minutes
  7. COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits
  8. 4 Tips for Breaking Bad Habits in the Workplace
  9. Nonprofit Board Finder Tool
  10. 6 Ideas for Improving Team Dynamics

Even during a challenging year, nonprofit leaders showed their commitment to lifelong learning to strengthen organizations and our communities. Thank you! We look forward to supporting you in 2021.

Have a topic you want to learn more about in 2021? Let us know at

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