Feature Your Organization in the 2021 Nonprofit Holiday Gift Guide

You have probably heard the famous quote from St. Francis of Assisi that, “It is in giving that we receive.” As nonprofit leaders, we certainly agree. Now through Friday, November 26, the Nonprofit Leadership Center is accepting submissions for our 2021 Nonprofit Holiday Gift Guide. Started in 2019, this festive guide highlights holiday gifts that give back to nonprofit organizations to strengthen our communities.

All you need to complete your submission is the following information:

  • Name of nonprofit organization
  • Description of product or service that benefits the nonprofit organization
  • Link to learn more or purchase the item
  • A photo(s) of the item, if available
  • Your contact information

For inspiration, find past gift guides here:

We will publish the 2021 Nonprofit Holiday Gift Guide on GivingTuesday, November 30. Thank you in advance for sharing your favorite nonprofits and products that support them with our community.

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