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Meet Patrick Arthur Jackson, the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference Emcee

Patrick Arthur Jackson, a Black man smiling joyfully while wearing a red button-down shirt
Nonprofit Leadership Center

The Nonprofit Leadership Center will bring nearly 1,000 nonprofit and community leaders together for a day of collaboration, conversation and education at the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference: It Starts With Us on October 8. Emceeing this year’s event is actor, community connector and arts leader Patrick Arthur Jackson.

Patrick is the manager of education, outreach and programming at the Woodson African American Museum of Florida. He is also an actor, director and producer for theatrical projects. Whether he is on the stage or in the community, Patrick seeks to cultivate spaces where people of all backgrounds feel comfortable to show up authentically, remain curious and thrive. 

"During my early years as an actor in nonprofit theatre, crafting stories that were intended to change and impact a community versus simply entertain shifted how I created and opened my eyes. I’ve always been called to work that gives back to the community I exist in. I believe that when the tide rises, everyone is lifted."

The Nonprofit Leadership Conference, co-presented by Bank of America and the Helios Education Foundation, is an annual gathering for nonprofit professionals and community leaders to learn, problem-solve, and network to strengthen the nonprofit sector and our communities. The 2024 event will take place at the Tampa Marriott Water Street in Downtown Tampa on October 8. Individual tickets and tables are still available, although the Nonprofit Leadership Center expects the event to sell out soon. 

"The theme of this year's conference is It Starts With Us. In my experience, the solution to the most challenging community problems is the people who are experiencing it. Change takes teamwork! The only way our organizations will continue to thrive is through true and authentic partnership and teamwork. The Nonprofit Leadership Conference is a chance to find your professional collaborators, champions and partners and open yourself to new ideas and approaches to solving recurring challenges."

Nonprofit professionals and leaders will experience engaging speakers and sessions, powerful networking opportunities and other surprises at the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference. Here are just a few of the highlights you can expect:

  • Keynote speaker Shabnam Mogharabi will talk about embracing your why to find your joy.

  • An engaging morning panel will feature statewide leaders from the Florida Philanthropic Network, Florida Nonprofit Alliance, Tampa Bay Partnership and Helios Education Foundation to explore emerging trends in nonprofit advocacy, philanthropy and business.

  • Five incredible breakout sessions will address everything from hiring and retaining top talent to cultivating more effective boards.

For those who have never been to the Nonprofit Leadership Conference, Patrick says it is an opportunity to connect and reflect: “Two years ago I attended my first conference, and the connections I made allowed me to take time and reflect on what might be possible as a result of those connections. How could we support one another? Where were the intersections?”

Lightning Round with Patrick

Get to know your 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference emcee a little better as we put him in the hot seat to answer some speed questions!

When you’re not working, what do you love doing most?

I enjoy spending time with my partner, my black cat T’Challa Chadwick Jackson, and catching up with friends. I’m currently reading “Black Cake” by Charmaine and “The Awesome Human Project” by Nataly Kogan (the conference speaker two years ago). I’m very passionate about community service and give back as clergy with my church Today’s Church and my fraternity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 

What is your PeopleMap leadership style?

I am People/Leader!

Psst: Next PeopleMap session coming up on September 11. Learn more and register.

Since we’re all lifelong leaders around here, what’s one area you want to learn about or hone your skills in?

Nestor Ortiz and Vernetta Walker’s breakout sessions at this year’s conference have me quite excited to grow in my knowledge around cross-sector collaboration and board culture.

Where can the community catch you performing this year?

You can always keep up with me on social media @patrickarthurjackson (Instagram) and keep an eye out for some upcoming projects at The Studio@620 where I am an artist-in-residence.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

I play trumpet and french horn and am a die-hard Golden Girls fan. 

Learn More & Register

Register now to join Patrick Arthur Jackson and hundreds of nonprofit and community leaders at the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference. Individual tickets and team tables are available.

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