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New Resources to Respond to Nonprofit Needs

In an ongoing effort to help nonprofits overcome challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis, we recently asked nonprofit leaders about their current mindset and most pressing needs. Nearly 100 nonprofit leaders responded to our online survey fielded between May 12 and 19, 2020. The outcome was clear: Nonprofit leaders are looking for supportive and innovative ways to overcome personal anxiety and ensure organizational longevity.

Local leaders shared how their perspectives have shifted from early March to the end of May 2020:

  • 34% of nonprofit professionals say they need more professional development or specific training to expand/enhance their skills, while 45% say their nonprofit organizations need more training to effectively deliver their missions.
  • The top area nonprofit leaders say they want more training/support in is fundraising, followed closely by communications/marketing and leadership/management/HR.
  • While nearly 88% of respondents said they are more concerned about attending in-person events during the summer and fall, 42% say they are more willing to attend virtual events now than they would have been two months ago.
45% of nonprofit leaders say their organizations need more professional development or trainings than they did before COVID-19 to effectively continue delivering their missiong. | Nonprofit Leadership Center

In an effort to develop and connect nonprofit leaders to strengthen organizations and our community, the Nonprofit Leadership Center is offering new virtual classes as well as ongoing free webinars to assist nonprofits through this time.

New Virtual Classes to Support Nonprofit Leaders and Organizations

Join us for one or all of these upcoming virtual events this summer to enhance or expand your or your organization’s skills. Together, our sector and communities won’t just survive this challenging time, we’ll thrive long after it’s over.

June 4: Managing Across Generations with Margarita Sarmiento
For the first time in history, we have six living generations, including five generations in the workplace. Learn how to navigate today’s workplace and effectively manage across generations. Discover tools and techniques to better manage, coach and mentor employees from every generation through every situation. June 10: Getting to Yes: Best Practices for Major Gift Fundraising with Alyce Lee Stansbury
Support from major donors has never been more important, but getting them to say YES isn’t easy. Understand donor motivations during this challenging time and prepare for and make the winning ask.June 17: Dealing Effectively with Conflict and Stress with Margarita Sarmiento
During this increasingly stressful time, understanding your stress triggers will help you better prepare for unforeseen circumstances and increase productivity, morale and mission impact. You’ll learn how to stay cool and calm under pressure in any situation and minimize stressors to take back control.

June 18 & 25: Nonprofit Board Governance Rock Star Certificate Series with Emily Benham and Nancy Ridenour
This popular two-part program covers the fundamental nonprofit governance concepts every nonprofit leader should understand and practice in a comprehensive and engaging way. You’ll explore case studies and learn best practices for board structure, board roles and responsibilities and financial and legal oversight. You’ll build an invaluable network of Tampa Bay nonprofit leaders that you can consult at any time.

June 19: Performance Management 101: Taking the Dread Out of Reviews with Mark McCatty
Do you dread performance evaluations or even discussing mistakes with your staff, team members or volunteers? While you’re not alone, those conversations can be the very thing that delivers the motivation you desire to see. In this class, you’ll learn how to build a culture of openness and trust where neither party dreads conversations about performance, including communicating expectations, providing effective feedback, coaching for improved performance and creating a positive workplace.

June 30: Change Communications Essentials with Wendy Hirsch
If there’s one thing that’s certain right now, it’s that there will be more change. As your nonprofit implements necessary changes for your people, programs and processes, this new research-based training will prepare you for successful change communication.

July 9 & 23: Be Ready Series: Disaster Preparedness with Kate McPherson
In this two-part disaster preparedness series, you’ll learn how to prepare for human-made and natural emergencies, both personally and professionally. Classes are dynamic and include small group breakout sessions, individual participation and teach-back opportunities.

July 17: Fundraising 101: Fund Development Essentials with Sara Leonard
Nonprofit professionals with less than three years of experience will benefit from this interactive course to improve your fundraising skills. Participants will learn key fundraising terms and concepts, understand how to create a development plan and write a case for support and engage colleagues and board members in reaching your goals.

August 18: CFO Roundtable
As nonprofits face new and shifting financial challenges, this roundtable brings together professionals who are responsible for financial management at their organizations with at least five years of accounting experience for a group discussion to identify new ideas, tools and strategies to meet or exceed your goals.

For more information and assistance specific to nonprofits, check out our COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub. To learn about all events and resources from the Nonprofit Leadership Center, sign up to receive our weekly NLC e-newsletter, and follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram

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