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Recharge & Reboot: Coloring Pages for Leaders

Coloring pages for nonprofit leaders: Set of six colored pencils laying on top of a blank coloring page
Ellen Nastir

Nonprofit leaders have always known how to wear many hats and do more with less. But the challenges and change nonprofits face has sparked an even dizzier pace as leaders work to support individuals, families and communities. 

Caring for others starts with caring for yourself. To help you take a breath and create some personal space to recharge and reboot, NLC trainer and organizational and relationship expert Ellen Nastir, M.Ed., PCC, with Innovative Team Solutions, created these adult coloring pages for nonprofit leaders.

As we celebrate National Coloring Book Day on August 2, take some moments for yourself to reconnect with your inner child and press the pause button. Hint: This is good to do any day!

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Ellen Nastir


Ellen Nastir, M.Ed., PCC, BCC, CPCC, is the owner of Innovative Team Solutions. Her passion is bringing professional and personal growth to her clients. She focuses on the “people side” of professional performance, developing employees’ people skills to complement their technical skills and abilities, thus increasing productivity and retention, communication skills, problem-solving and conflict resolution.

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