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WATCH: How to Manage Uncertainty Amid Crisis

As nonprofit professionals scramble to devise new operating plans to serve as many constituents as possible while protecting and caring for employees, the thought of sustainability seems almost quaint. From foundations to individuals and even fees for service, all revenue streams are under extreme pressure. While many nonprofit leaders are thinking about survivability, there are steps leaders can take now to increase the likelihood of sustainability amid these challenging times. In this video, author and nonprofit strategy expert Steve Zimmerman shares the critical actions nonprofit leaders can take NOW to successfully prepare for the future.

After watching this video, you and your nonprofit organization will be prepared to:

  • Understand your cash position
  • Assess damage to your revenue streams
  • Look at your dual bottom line
  • Include the right stakeholders in the discussion
  • Communicate consistently

Additional Resources

Download the presentation Steve shares in the webinar above here.

Check out Steve’s article on 5 Steps Nonprofits Must Take to Survive a Crisis.

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