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NEW 2019 Nonprofit Leadership Classes in Pinellas County

We recently asked nonprofit leaders across Tampa Bay to tell us how the Nonprofit Leadership Center can better support and strengthen their work. The answer was clear: Offer more classes in Pinellas County.

“I’d like to see NLC take some of their courses into the community and do more in Pinellas.”

You shared your feedback, and we’ve listened. In addition to the 80 nonprofit trainings and leadership classes scheduled at our training facility this year, NLC has launched four professional development series across Pinellas County in the areas of board governancemarketing communicationsleadership and fund development.

Please join us for one of our upcoming Pinellas County nonprofit trainings. Bookmark this page to be the first to learn about new classes as we add more information to this list throughout the year.

New 2019 Nonprofit Leadership Classes in Pinellas County

Board Governance Rock Star Certificate at Collaborative Labs (COMPLETED)
This interactive series will prepare your organization with the fundamental governance concepts every nonprofit leader should understand and practice. In this six-hour program that takes place over two evenings, attendees will learn how to identify, recruit and train board members, establish board roles and responsibilities, forge strong board-staff partnerships, run successful meetings, engage board members in fundraising, ensure responsible financial oversight and reporting, and explore the latest governance models and trends.

Marketing & Communications at the Juvenile Welfare Board (COMPLETED)
In this two-part interactive series, you’ll build fundamental marketing and communications skills to make your story stick in an ever-changing media landscape. You’ll leave with an understanding of how to create the right content for every social media channel, how to connect with and drive action among your audiences with your content and how to dazzle writers and reporters.

Nonprofit Leadership Development at Collaborative Labs (COMPLETED)
This three-part class will help every nonprofit professional become a more effective leader by learning how to adapt their specific personality style to reduce conflict and maximize impact, cultivate optimism and accountability, and effectively manage conflict and change in the workplace.

Fund Development at Center for Health Equity (COMPLETED)
This three-part class series will help you learn how to raise more dollars with fewer donors, successfully cultivate and secure major gifts for smaller organizations and integrate planned giving into your development program.

Thank you to the following generous partners for making our Pinellas County classes possible this year: Allegany Franciscan Ministries, the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg, Pinellas Community Foundation and Wells Fargo.

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