Certificate Programs
Volunteer Management

Certificate in

Volunteer Management

The Certificate in Volunteer Management, consisting of three half-days of interactive and practical training in the best practices relevant to today’s volunteer manager, prepares today’s volunteer managers to more effectively recruit, retain and recognize volunteers. In this certificate program, NLC trainer Sara Leonard, MBA, CFRE, will lead you through interactive exercises to gain knowledge and skills to use immediately when you get back to your organization.


Session Descriptions


Understanding Volunteering
Learn the foundation of volunteer management, including current trends in volunteerism, the elements of a successful volunteer program and volunteer motivations.

Planning Your Volunteer Program
Review the steps required to effectively plan a volunteer program, including conducting needs assessments, your volunteer program budget and appropriate roles for your program volunteers.

Recruiting and Placing Volunteers
Learn effective steps for volunteer recruitment and placement and plan how to improve these processes. You’ll also learn about local and national resources that can connect you to prospective volunteers for your agency.

Orienting and Training Volunteers
Learn how to train volunteers to perform effectively and enjoyably, increase your comfort level in planning volunteer trainings and develop plans for improving your volunteer training.

Supervising Volunteers
Volunteer supervision can be as time-intensive as staff supervision. This module will help you increase your ability to design and use volunteer supervision strategies and design next steps for improved management.

Evaluating Your Volunteer Program
The last module addresses the evaluation of your current or growing program. You should be able to increase your ability to plan, evaluate and develop steps for a continual evaluation process.

Participants must attend all 3 sessions, complete assignments and pass section quizzes to receive the Certificate in Volunteer Management. You must attend the first sessions to continue to subsequent sessions. Missing sessions 2 or 3 will delay the ability to complete the program, as missed sessions must be made up at a future time. Certificates are awarded by the Florida Association for Volunteer Resource Management (FAVRM). 

upcoming events

Certificate in Volunteer Management (Collaborative Labs, Pinellas)

Upcoming Sessions

August 21, 2024
08:30 AM
Certificate in Volunteer Management

Upcoming Sessions

November 6, 2024
08:30 AM

interested in custom training?

Contact us at info@nlctb.org to schedule a custom board training for your organization and board.