Announcing the 2021 NLC Leadership Conference

During the past year, nonprofit leaders have risen to the challenges of our time — adjusting, reimagining and leading courageously to strengthen our communities. Now, it’s time to celebrate and chart how we’ll continue moving forward together.

Please join the Nonprofit Leadership Center on October 13, 2021, for our 11th Annual Leadership Conference, presented by Bank of America. This highly anticipated event returns in its dynamic virtual format with new features and surprises, allowing leaders to participate from anywhere in the world.

Building from our 2020 mantra to lead courageously, the 2021 conference theme is Lead Bravely. Act Boldly. — exactly what we as nonprofit leaders must do to meet the growing needs of our communities and make the impact we exist to achieve.

In the coming weeks, we’ll reveal the impressive line-up of speakers, breakout sessions and activities, all focused on how nonprofit leaders can think differently, challenge the status quo, drive innovation and lead for the future. You’ll walk away with ideas, tools and strategies that you and your team can immediately implement across the most critical topics facing our sector and society.

In the meantime, get excited for not one, but TWO, phenomenal keynote speakers who will energize and inspire you to lead bravely and act boldly.

Meet the 2021 Keynote Speakers

NLC 2021 Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker Dr. Shirley Davis

Dr. Shirley Davis

Dr. Shirley Davis is a seasoned HR and diversity and inclusion global thought leader, senior executive, certified leadership coach, and former chief diversity and inclusion officer for several Fortune 100 companies. Dr. Davis is the author of the best-selling books, Reinvent Yourself: Strategies for Achieving Success in Every Area of Your Life” and The Seat: How to Get Invited to the Table When You’re Over-Performing and Undervalued. She has been a featured expert on NBC’s The Today Show, USA Today, National Public Radio, The Wall Street Journal, Essence Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, The Washington Post, and Inclusion Magazine

As president and CEO of SDS Global Enterprises, Inc., a woman and minority-owned C-Corporation headquartered in Tampa Bay, she works with leaders to create more inclusive and high-performing workplaces where all talent can thrive.

NLC 2021 Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker Jon Acuff

Jon Acuff

Jon Acuff is the New York Times bestselling author of seven books, including his newest release, Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking. He’s an INC Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker and has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences and companies around the world, including FedEx, Nissan, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, Chick-fil-A, Nokia, and Comedy Central. His large and highly engaged social media following of 600,000 across channels look to him for his unique blend of humor, honesty and hope.  

Secure Your Spot

The NLC Leadership Conference is the premier event for anyone who works for a nonprofit, wants to work for a nonprofit, serves as a nonprofit board leader or partners with nonprofits. Join hundreds of nonprofit and business leaders to learn from and connect with each other as we work to strengthen our skills, our organizations and our communities.

Ticket options are available for individuals and teams.

Register for the NLC 2020 Leadership Conference Now

Thank You to Our Sponsors

NLC’s Leadership Conference would not be possible without the generous support of our passionate partners that believe in the importance and impact of our nonprofit community. We’d like to extend a special thank-you to our presenting sponsor Bank of America, our lead conference supporter every year since the conference began in 2011.

If you’re interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, contact Tess Plotkin.

Be the first to hear about 2021 Leadership Conference announcements and other upcoming events for nonprofit leaders by signing up for our email list. Be sure to also follow the Nonprofit Leadership Center on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

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