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Motivating and Engaging Employees Virtually

COVID-19 has introduced managers and supervisors to new challenges as we strive to keep virtual teams motivated, engaged and connected. Our remote reality has required many leaders to stretch ourselves beyond our limits and outside our comfort zones, figuratively and literally.

Research suggests that the most important aspect of keeping employees engaged is making them feel part of the bigger picture. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true – a lack of engagement can lead to increased feelings of isolation and disconnection. In this video, NLC trainer and organizational culture expert Margarita Sarmiento shares how managers can engage and motivate employees in this virtual working environment.

After watching, you will:

  • Learn about three critical areas affecting team morale and motivation
  • Understand specific ways to engage team members and strengthen relationships
  • Uncover new ways to help transition team members as roles continue to change

READ NEXT: Tips for Working from Home More Effectively

Resources Referenced in the Video

Download the presentation shared in the video

Supervisor Tips & Tools for Motivating Remote Staff to Stay Engaged and Productive

Starting the COVID-19 Recovery Conversation Today

52 Virtual Team Building Activities

Free Online Ivy League Classes

ITK Consultants Website

More COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits

COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub

WATCH: Strategies for Working Remotely in Uncertain Times

WATCH: Managing Uncertainty Amid Crisis

WATCH: DOs and DON’Ts of Fundraising During a Crisis

WATCH: How to Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety

WATCH: Managing Mental and Emotional Exhaustion

For more information and assistance specific to nonprofits, check out our COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub. To learn about all events and resources from the Nonprofit Leadership Center, sign up to receive our weekly NLC e-newsletter, and follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram

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