31 Local Nonprofit Professionals Selected for Emerging Leadership Program
Although a growing body of research shows that inexperienced and unprepared first-time managers can be costly for organizations, many individual contributors continue to be promoted into management roles without the proper training, mentoring and support. A new manager recently shared this with us as he takes on a new role: “It is the first time […]
Lead Fund Development Officer Roundtable
Planning Your Organization’s Marketing Strategy to Maximize Impact
How to Create Strategic Partnerships and Secure New Funding Through Authentic Leadership
The Secret to Stopping Overwhelm in the Workplace
Nonprofit work environments are fast-paced and somewhat chaotic at times. However, working longer, faster, and harder is no longer the answer to enhancing productivity or improving overall performance. Organizations are hitting a proverbial wall with this approach, as it too often results in many working slower, shorter and less satisfied. “Today, there is a growing […]
Effective Strategies to Attract and Retain Top Nonprofit Talent
Although nonprofit jobs comprise about 10% of the American workforce, nonprofits are experiencing a workforce crisis. In the most recent Nonprofit Workforce Survey conducted by the National Council of Nonprofits, nearly 3 in 4 nonprofits reported job vacancies (exceeding pre-COVID levels), primarily due to salary competition, budget constraints/insufficient funds and burnout. So how can nonprofits compete […]
Communicating With Confidence: 5 Tips to Communicate With Groups Effectively
According to research from the Project Management Institute, the biggest predictor of a project’s success — or failure — is communication. Their report found that project managers should spend 90% of their time on communications to ensure a project’s success, and up to 56% of revenue could be lost due to poor communication. So, how […]