3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Create a Kinder, More Compassionate Workplace

Shola Richards, a Black man wearing a grey suit, speaks on stage to a large group of people in Tampa, Florida

As Shola Richards took the stage at the 2023 Nonprofit Leadership Conference, he shouted Ubuntu to the crowd. Ubuntu is an African term that means “I am because we are.” More than a word, Shola says Ubuntu is the height of human compassion and kindness. He knows first-hand how critical human compassion and kindness are […]

WATCH: How to Prioritize Yourself in Our Nonstop World

Black woman with black hair with her eyes closed feeling stressed as four different hands show all the requests she is receiving for help

Research from McKinsey & Company shows that nonprofit professionals are particularly vulnerable to burnout. To effectively care for others, we must first care for ourselves. But that’s often easier than it sounds. Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting your well-being, pursuing happiness, and being equipped to respond to stress with […]