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Celebrating Our Female Leaders

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Team NLC is thrilled to introduce you to four outstanding women leaders who will be bringing you inspiration and practical action steps to increase your focus and lead with purpose during our breakout sessions at the 2019 Leadership Conference on May 22nd.

We have a deep and diverse talent pool for speakers and trainers, and we’re proud to bring you the very best of the best—the superheroes!

Join us for 8 transformative breakout sessions facilitated by these lead-by-example women:

Mandy Cloninger, Executive Director of Trinity Cafe, will be part of a panel exploring COLLECTIVE IMPACT and COLLABORATION in the nonprofit sector. She’ll walk you through the important relationships and the business case that drove the Trinity Cafe-Feeding Tampa Bay merger, increasing the capacity and impact of each.

Jessica Muroff, CEO of Girls Scouts of West Central Florida and NLC Board Chair, will bring her unique perspective on PURPOSE and TRANSITION to a panel exploring how three high-performing nonprofit leaders made the leap for the for-profit sector.

Margarita Sarmiento, ever-popular NLC trainer and nonprofit consultant, is back by popular demand! Join her for a working session that will transform your TIME MANAGEMENT skills and teach you how to AVOID OVERCOMMITMENT.

Ellen Nastir, also a wildly popular and repeat breakout facilitator, is an NLC trainer and executive coach. She’ll help you increase your SELF-AWARENESS and isolate your CORE VALUES, bringing clarity and focus to your path in life and at work.

And we’re still planning additional breakout topics, so expect to see even more incredible women take the stage on our biggest day of the year!

For additional information about the day, please visit our Conference web page, which we’ll update regularly with details about the breakout sessions and the keynote.

Individual early-bird tickets are available only through March 15th. So reserve your seat now or reserve a table to make sure you don’t miss a minute of this life-changing event!


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