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Grant Applications Now Being Accepted to Drive Census Participation

Allegany Franciscan Ministries is now accepting grant applications from organizations working in targeted communities that have historically low rates of participation in the Census to drive 2020 outreach.

The next Census is scheduled to occur in April 2020. Partcipation is critical to determine how federal grant funding and assistance programs are allocated to states and local nonprofits to solve critical social needs facing individuals, families and our communities.

The Allegany Franciscan Ministries’ Tau Grants support nonprofit organizations in the Tampa Bay and Palm Beach regions with budgets of $2 million or less to reach communities that have historically low rates of participation in the Census to ensure as many households participate as possible. Strategies and community outreach efforts may include …

  • Convening community complete count groups or subcommittees
  • Conducting targeted communications efforts
  • Organizing events to promote participation
  • Providing organizational capacity to support Census 2020 work
  • Supporting collaborations between local community groups to engage in outreach
  • Establishing community sites to provide information and assistance

The deadline to apply for the first cycle of Tau Grant funding is Thursday, September 12, 2019, at noon ET.

Learn more about this funding opportunity, eligibility criteria and guidelines here, or contact Brittney Frazier at 727-507-9668 or

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