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3 Questions with the Nonprofit Leadership Center’s New CEO, Charlie Imbergamo

Charlie Imbergamo, a white man with grey hair, a grey beard and black glasses, is speaking into a microphone
Nonprofit Leadership Center

On July 1, 2023, Charlie Imbergamo, MA, CFRE, became the Nonprofit Leadership Center’s new CEO. As a lifelong learner with 30 years of nonprofit experience, Charlie enters the role after serving as the organization’s senior director of strategic programs and impact since September 2019.

We recently sat down with Charlie to hear more about his vision for the Nonprofit Leadership Center (NLC), what he plans to accomplish during his first year, and how you can engage with him and NLC.

Q: What is your vision for the Nonprofit Leadership Center, and what can the nonprofit community expect?

Charlie: My high-level vision for the Nonprofit Leadership Center is to help develop nonprofit professionals and organizations to be the people and teams our community and those we serve need us to be. At NLC, we want everyone working in the nonprofit space to view themselves as a leader and feel seen, welcomed, and respected here.

During the next three years, my plan is to deepen and develop our funding partnerships to expand our reach and programs, understanding and supporting the growing need of nonprofits across an expanded Tampa Bay region and beyond.

Additionally, I’d like to partner more closely with businesses and entrepreneurial leaders who are passionate about helping nonprofits build capacity and access the learning and development they need to be catalysts for change.

My dream is that when funders, nonprofit professionals and nonprofit organizations have a need, NLC is the first place they turn, finding us eager and ready to respond because they trust us as we work intentionally to listen and build capacity, and improve the outcomes and intended impact of our sector.,

Q: What do you plan to accomplish during your first year as CEO?

Charlie: During my first year as CEO, there are three things I plan to accomplish alongside our talented team at NLC.

  • We will work with nonprofit leaders to better understand how best to respond to the needs of our sector today and NLC’s role in supporting and elevating our common interests.

  • We will continue to refresh and revise program offerings and host and facilitate more conversations among nonprofit professionals in similar roles and focus areas.

  • During the past year, we’ve been working on a strategic project to more meaningfully measure, validate and communicate impact. We’ll be launching this in the next month, and I look forward to sharing the results and learnings to give nonprofits a transparent view into NLC’s impact and hopefully, a potential framework to inspire improved impact reporting for other organizations as well.

Q: How can the community engage with you and NLC?

Charlie (UPDATED OCTOBER 2023): I invited everyone to take a quick five question survey to share their input and ideas with me during the first month in my new role. I personally reviewed every response, and our team compiled feedback and are using it to review and refresh our current strategies. 

Additionally, I am inviting C-suite and program leaders to join us for a series of community conversations to share more about your training and development needs so we can better serve nonprofit professionals and teams.

Of course, you can always contact me at  

Connect with Charlie

You can find and connect with Charlie on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and email. He’d love to hear your ideas and input.

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