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Hit the Pause Button: Your 25-Minute Self-Guided Reflection Break

Hit the pause button: A self-guided reflection break (words are red on light blue background)
Ellen Nastir

Sometimes we all need to hit the pause button to think and reflect. You can finally do just that in this 25-minute self-guided reflection break. Designed by Nonprofit Leadership Center Trainer Ellen Nastir, this introspective video presents inspiring prompts and thoughtful questions, set to soothing music, to provide the time you need to discover the brave and bold leader within you.

Hit Your Pause Button

More Self-Care Resources for Nonprofit Leaders

To ensure you can be your very best for the constituents and communities you serve, check out these additional resources:

Self-Care Tips for Nonprofit Leaders

WATCH: Managing Mental and Emotional Exhaustion

Recharge and Reboot: Coloring Pages for Nonprofit Leaders

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Ellen Nastir


Ellen Nastir, M.Ed., PCC, BCC, CPCC, is the owner of Innovative Team Solutions. Her passion is bringing professional and personal growth to her clients. She focuses on the “people side” of professional performance, developing employees’ people skills to complement their technical skills and abilities, thus increasing productivity and retention, communication skills, problem-solving and conflict resolution.

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