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WATCH: The Dos and Don’ts of Fundraising During a Crisis

As you navigate the “new normal” of nonprofit fundraising, seasoned fundraising consultant and NLC trainer Alyce Lee Stansbury shares up-to-the-minute strategies along with dos and don’ts of crisis fundraising.

After watching this video, you will:

  • Know the most effective ways to ask for gifts right now.
  • Understand how to evaluate and pivot future fundraising strategies.
  • Be able to deliver top-notch donor stewardship.
Slide from Alyce Lee Stansbury's Presentation: There is no such thing as a non-COVID essential charity. Every mission matters right now. Any diminished service offering has an impact. You. All. Matter. Everyone. You are worthy of support.

This video is designed to help executive directors and fund development teams understand how to keep your mission in the hearts and minds of supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic and any global crisis.

Resources Referenced in the Video

Find additional crisis fundraising advice from Alyce Lee:

Fundraising in Uncertain Times: 10 Ways to Mitigate Revenue Loss

How to Host Successful Online Board Meetings

More COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits

COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub

WATCH: Strategies for Working Remotely in Uncertain Times

WATCH: Managing Uncertainty Amid Crisis

WATCH: DOs and DON’Ts of Fundraising During a Crisis

WATCH: How to Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety

WATCH: Managing Mental and Emotional Exhaustion

For more information and assistance specific to nonprofits, check out our COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub. To learn about all events and resources from the Nonprofit Leadership Center, sign up to receive our weekly NLC e-newsletter, and follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram

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