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WATCH: Strategies to Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, health care professionals are sharing public health information to help people prepare, not panic, for the real possibility of the virus affecting them and their loved ones. While this information is helpful for many, it can send others into an unhealthy state of worrying. The powerlessness and anxiety we feel can morph into common symptoms, like “catastrophizing” and unhealthy fixation, or, at the other extreme, blocking it out completely – which could mean ignoring even basic precautions like hand washing.

Guest Presenter Dr. Christine Cauffield, CEO of Lutheran Services Florida Health Systems, shares coping strategies for anyone feeling anxious about the uncertainty of these current times.

During this video, you will learn how to:

  • Avoid unnecessary information overload
  • Check your sources to minimize misinformation
  • Set a basic safety regimen (and not add to it)

Resources Referenced in the Video

More COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits

COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub

WATCH: Strategies for Working Remotely in Uncertain Times

WATCH: Managing Uncertainty Amid Crisis

WATCH: DOs and DON’Ts of Fundraising During a Crisis

WATCH: How to Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety

WATCH: Managing Mental and Emotional Exhaustion

For more information and assistance specific to nonprofits, check out our COVID-19 Nonprofit Resource Hub. To learn about all events and resources from the Nonprofit Leadership Center, sign up to receive our weekly NLC e-newsletter, and follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram

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