Meet the 27 Nonprofit Leaders in the 2021 Certificate in Leadership Program

Nonprofit leadership has never been more important — or more challenging — than it is in the present moment. As needs increase along with mounting uncertainty, leadership is the key for stronger organizations and communities. To prepare the next generation of nonprofit professionals to lead our ever-changing sector forward, the Nonprofit Leadership Center created the […]

Measuring Your Nonprofit’s Effectiveness: Understanding the Core Capacity Assessment Tool (TCC Group’s CCAT)

White woman with brown hair wearing a black jacket sitting at her computer taking a survey

What if you could measure how effective your nonprofit organization’s leadership, adaptability, management, technical capacity, and organizational culture are in less than 45 minutes? With the Core Capacity Assessment Tool or CCAT, you can. The CCAT is an online, survey-based capacity assessment tool that collects information from organizational decision-makers to analyze your nonprofit and provide recommendations for ongoing improvement.

Finding Our Way Forward in 2021: Three Imperatives for Successful Leaders

While 2020 will likely be remembered for its relentless challenges, the lifelong learner in me is struck by the many lessons the past year taught us. Nonprofit leaders have stretched and grown faster than ever, being required to think differently, reimagine new ways of serving communities and speed innovations to deepen impact. While we can’t […]

The Next Generation of Nonprofit Leaders: A Day-in-the-Life of an NLC Fellow

Nonprofits are the lifeblood of our communities and often serve as a critical safety net for individuals and families, in good times and in bad. To help develop the next generation of nonprofit leaders who will move our dynamically changing sector forward with courage and impact, the Nonprofit Leadership Center (NLC) hires a resource development […]

The X-Factor in Courageous Leadership: 4 Ways to Strengthen Your Mental Fitness

White man walking, blurred, against a painted background that says courage: yellow, blue, orange red and purple in the mural

Authentic, trusting relationships are at the core of achieving the majority of goals in life — from personal happiness to career success and everything in between. But before meaningful and lasting relationships can grow, they must be rooted in the relationship we have with ourselves. Believe it or not, the most important conversations aren’t those […]

Nonprofits Won’t Let a Pandemic or Recession Stop Them from Helping Communities

The Nonprofit Leadership Center Announces Its Largest Certificate in Nonprofit Management Class at the University of Tampa in the Graduate Program’s 13-Year History As nonprofits face continued financial and operational challenges, the Nonprofit Leadership Center and the University of Tampa have launched the largest Certificate in Nonprofit Management class in the history of this graduate program, which began in 2007. Despite recent […]