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A to Z Practices for a Better You

Photo of Ellen Nastir, a white woman in her 60s with short brown hair wearing a turquoise long-sleeve top speaking to a crowd
Ellen Nastir

When it comes to setting goals and intentions for a new year, the articles, videos and ideas are never-ending. 

To overcome the overwhelm, I’ve compiled a short list of simple practices to incorporate into your day-to-day life. They will offer huge results over time. Simply look them over, select one you’d like to improve upon and get going!  From A to Z, they are short, direct and to the point.

Appreciate more.

Be kind – to yourself and others.

Compliment generously.

Dream….daydream…bring it into your life if only for 5 minutes a day.

Encourage and empathize with others when a soft shoulder is needed.  Be there.

Have more FUN!  Jot down a list of activities you used to enjoy as a child and mark your calendar to incorporate these in your weekly/monthly/yearly plans.

Practice GRATITUDE…write down 3 things each day that you are grateful for.

Help out more, even when it’s not “your job”.

Use “I” statements more to help communicate your thoughts.

Judge less.

Keep a tad more organized; it makes life much easier!

Laugh often – Listen more.

Move forward, even one baby step at a time.

Notice the little things around you, sights, smells, feelings. Get off auto-pilot.

Open your mind before having it automatically close to new and different ideas or experiences.

Practice one new habit each month that will improve your relationships, both at work & at     home.  See how it may enhance your overall life!

Quit one destructive habit.

Reflect on the good.

Share a smile.

Try again-especially when you are ready to throw in the towel!

Upbeat people are certainly more fun, inspiring and uplifting than their negative   counterparts.   Be sure to have those positive people in your life to lift you up and enjoy being around.

Celebrate one VICTORY each day, no matter how small!

Well-being means your whole being…taking care of yourself in many aspects so you can be  there for others both at work and at home. It’s not selfish to nourish & respect yourself.

Use an imaginary red “X” to cross out any negative self talk you find yourself thinking.

Refrain from starting sentences with the word “You” followed by never or always.

Zzzz – Sleep more – go to bed 15 minutes earlier and see what you notice after just a few days.

READ NEXT: Your 25-Minute Self-Guided Reflection Break

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Ellen Nastir


Ellen Nastir, M.Ed., PCC, BCC, CPCC, is the owner of Innovative Team Solutions. Her passion is bringing professional and personal growth to her clients. She focuses on the “people side” of professional performance, developing employees’ people skills to complement their technical skills and abilities, thus increasing productivity and retention, communication skills, problem-solving and conflict resolution.

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