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Your Very Special Invitation…

Team NLC is already busily working behind the scenes on many aspects of our 9th annual Leadership Conference on May 22nd.

Thanks to Key Partner C3 Media we can now unveil our snazzy new 2019 Leadership Conference theme logo:

Don’t you love it??

And one of the most fun things we’ve done to date is chat with our Keynote Speaker, Simon T. Bailey, about the content for his keynote presentation.

He’s got such wonderful energy, positivity, and inspirational content to share! In fact, we asked him to put together a little video to give you a taste of the day, and he was absolutely game!

So we’re thrilled to share with you a very special invitation from our 2019 Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker, Simon T. Bailey!

Learn even more about the day, which will be filled with 8 incredible working breakout sessions, a book signing with Simon, and all the networking you can handle, and register your team for a table of 10 or get your early-bird-priced individual tickets now!

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