8 Nonprofit Leaders Graduate with Certificate in Nonprofit Management

8 professionals of diverse genders, races, ethnicities and ages stand smiling alongside professors and leaders to graduate from the Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership at the University of Tampa, in collaboration with the Nonprofit Leadership Center

Do you know what sets good leaders apart from their peers? According to researchers at the University of Michigan, it’s having a learning mindset. Leaders focused on learning see value in learning new things, seek out new challenges, and view learning as key to growth and success (Source).  This week, eight learning-focused leaders graduated with their Certificate […]

3 Questions with the Nonprofit Leadership Center’s New CEO, Charlie Imbergamo

Charlie Imbergamo, a white man with grey hair, a grey beard and black glasses, is speaking into a microphone

On July 1, 2023, Charlie Imbergamo, MA, CFRE, became the Nonprofit Leadership Center’s new CEO. As a lifelong learner with 30 years of nonprofit experience, Charlie enters the role after serving as the organization’s senior director of strategic programs and impact since September 2019. We recently sat down with Charlie to hear more about his […]

17 Questions to Ask Your Team to Build the Best Culture

Carina Kleter, a white woman with brown hair in a bun wearing glasses, talking to Charlie Imbergamo, a white man with grey hair in a dress shirt

According to research from Monster.com, a whopping 96% of workers are looking for a new job this year, with many seeking a position that offers higher compensation and a healthy, positive work environment. When an organization experiences a shift in leadership or structure, it presents an important opportunity to engage staff in building the culture, […]

Nonprofit Leadership Center Announces New CEO

Photo of Charles D. Imbergamo, a white man wearing a navy suit and green tie, next to the words: Breaking News: Nonprofit Leadership Center Announces Next CEO

Today, the Nonprofit Leadership Center’s (NLC) board of directors announced that Charles (Charlie) D. Imbergamo, MA, CFRE, will be the next chief executive officer for the organization, effective July 1, 2023. This decision comes after a rigorous, four-month search for NLC’s next CEO, led by a CEO Transition Committee chaired by Mariana Bugallo-Muros and supported […]

4 Important Insights from the 2023 M+R Benchmarks Study

A white person's hand typing on a computer with charts, graphs and magnifying glasses in white coming out of the screen indicating data

The M+R Benchmarks Study is an annual report that highlights the latest nonprofit data and trends in digital fundraising and marketing. The study looks at billions of emails and SMS messages, millions of website visits and thousands of social media posts from hundreds of nonprofits (215 in the most recent report to be exact).  Findings from the 2023 M+R […]

Just Announced! 2023 Spring Nonprofit Training Events

White woman with red hair clapping in a crowd at the Nonprofit Leadership Center conference

Writer Leo Tolstoy once said that “spring is the time of plans and projects.” Here at the Nonprofit Leadership Center, we believe spring is the perfect time to make plans for your personal and professional development. We’ve launched 17 (yes, 17!!!!) new training events and certificate programs to help you renew your commitment to growth […]